Staying On Message: Communication Training

Introducing Taco. The cutest little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that ever lived. He’s only been with us a few weeks but we are in love.

As cute as Taco is, he needs training. It’s off to Puppy School. Truth is the training isn’t only for him, but for the rest of us as well. We need to know how we can support him to be the best puppy he can be (and frankly, I need him to poop outside…every time). We need the whole family on board for the training to work. No use me saying ‘sit’ if the kids are saying ‘settle’.

Good teams communicate the same message. From front line staff, leadership teams, board members  and all the way to the CEO.

Just like puppy training, Communication Training helps you all get on the same page. At some level, we already know how to communicate – and some of us are obviously better at it than others.

But Communication classes can be gamechanger for business. Tailored to your industry and normally delivered to leadership groups or boards, you can expect to be up on your feet practicing scenarios with an experienced communicator.

Communication skills training will teach you:

  • How to deliver at presentations, conferences, interviews, meetings etc
  • How to influence and connect with an audience
  • How to deal with tricky questions
  • How to make the most of your point of difference
  • How to pick your point and stick to it
  • How to keep conversations on your terms

Just like Puppy School, the more ‘family’ members who can be on board, the more likely your chance of success.

PS Is this post just a blatant excuse to show a picture of Taco? Maybe. He is way cuter than most of the business leaders I normally train (sorry, not sorry). Just like most of those business leaders though, Taco is already awesome at what he does (being a puppy). We’re now just trying to communicate with him better.

ThinkBox Media | Media Consultancy

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She’s the secret weapon behind a number of highly acclaimed television broadcasts, a producer with more than 20 years’ experience.

What sets us apart?

Why train with ThinkBox?

At ThinkBox Media we believe in Strategic Customised Training. This means your training will be developed specifically for you; your industry, your concerns, your real scenarios.
A mining executive is not likely to face the exact same issues as a doctor, a government minister or a not-for-profit organisation. One Size fits all trainings do not work.

Some people need a lot of time to improve their performance, others get stuck on the messaging. Many bigger companies already have some bases covered by their own comms teams freeing up more time to focus on the practical skills.

Often a one-on-one training in required, other times small or larger groups may provide a more cost effective option for a team.
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