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It Ain’t What it Used To Be – It’s Better (and the most common questions I’ve been asked this week)

Media Training means different things to different people. Communication has changed over the years, and the way we use it has evolved. Digital platforms have transformed how we disseminate our message, and as a result, the scope of media training has become broader. In its simplest terms, Media Training is learning how to communicate to…


Leading Through a Crisis

Crises happen. And  they can happen to good people. If you are a leader when a crisis hits, even if the crisis is not your fault, it is your problem to address. The crisis itself won’t damage your personal reputation as much as the way you handle it. A crisis is more than just a…

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The simplest of tips for preparing your presentation, speech, or keynote.

The most important thing about any presentation or speech will be mapping out your structure. Working out what you want to achieve and what you’ll say to achieve it. If you’ve attended a good public speaking course or any speaker training, you’ll have a checklist of things to prepare which should include: Let’s assume you’ve…


The one media training tip you need to know

Recently during a media training session in Perth, I came across a client who has previously had some media training. He came to my course as a refresher, to build on what he already knew. I asked what he remembered most about the communication and media  training he’d had, and his answer was something I’ve…


Banducci and ‘that’ walk out

A lot has been said about the Woolworths CEO walking out of an interview on Four Corners last night. Firstly, hats off to his media team who did everything right…your boss let you down. 1) His team got him in the chair in the first place. They knew that saying nothing or sending a statement…

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Public Speaking Tips

I used to think that if you led a team or led a company, you oozed communication skills and confidence. To be in charge you must be pretty comfortable in the spotlight. Turns out I was wrong. You can be great at your job, and really tough on email, or in your comfort zone and…


7 tips to control the conversation at work

Recently I ran a media training class in Perth for an awesome Not-For-Profit client who is doing incredible work in the world. I’m not going to name her or the organisation, but I will say she had a communication issue that is, unfortunately, really common amongst business leaders in Perth. I’ll call it the ‘my…


Staying On Message: Communication Training

Introducing Taco. The cutest little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that ever lived. He’s only been with us a few weeks but we are in love. As cute as Taco is, he needs training. It’s off to Puppy School. Truth is the training isn’t only for him, but for the rest of us as well. We…

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3 ways to nail the ‘once in a lifetime’ interview

I’ve worked out what all the people who end up nailing their interviews have in common. I’m not talking about the executives or experts who spend time in media training to craft their message, or escape a crisis. I’m talking about everyday people who have experienced an extraordinary event that has led to me and…


Panel and Presentation Training: the one question you need to ask….

The other day I got a call from a friend. She’s someone I admire and one of those women who seems to juggle everything effortlessly. She’s a leader in her field, commands respect from her peers (without even trying) and manages her international team with grace and strength. Yet, she went into a tailspin when…


Sorry seems to be the hardest word (to get right)

If you listen to Elton, Sorry seems to be the hardest word. Not in my house. I hear the word “sorry” a lot. It’s usually spilling out of one of my daughter’s mouths at a furious pace in an attempt to muffle the cries a sister. We’ve all heard these apologies. They’re the “sorry we…

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Media in the Time of Covid

Last week the manager of an aged care home told me, the media being on her doorstep, in the event of a covid outbreak, is her worst nightmare. It doesn’t surprise me that she feels this way. Almost everyone we meet in crisis media training is full of dread when it comes to the media.…